Friday, February 12, 2010

Cheap Ideas for Valentines Day.

So you may be a last minute planner but when I got a call from a frantic listener for ideas his problem got me thinking. I am sure there are others out there who have no idea what to do for Valentine's Day and since its Friday you are probably beginning to stress out.

Well don't get all frantic about it because I came up with a list of cheap and fun ideas and things to do for Valentine's Day.


1. Instead of going out to dinner opt to stay in and make dinner.

It doesn't take a someone super smart to know that usually cooking a meal can last longer and be cheaper then going out on date but you can make it a couples thing that both people will enjoy. As an engaged guy myself I can say that it is fun to go to the store with Kayla pick out things we want to make and then go back to her house and make dinner for us, and it is usually cheaper then going out to a restaurant.

2. Make your date a mixed CD

My first Valentine's Day with Kayla one of the things that I got her was a mixed cd. It was simple I put some of my favorite songs on there and then decorated the cover, and she loved it!
She still has it in her car and listens to it from time to time.

3. Check the paper

There are a ton of events that are going on in Dallas 1. because its Valentine's weekend and 2. the NBA Allstar Game is happening.

4. Coffee Shop

There are some amazing local coffee shop places here in Dallas that would be a ton of fun to go chill at. Check out Opening Bell, Big Mike's, Jupiter House, Cafe Brazil just to name a few.

5. Group Date/Game Night

This could be a group couples party or singles party whatever but get together at someones house and play games together.

6. Museum

There are a ton in Dallas and they are usually pretty cheap and its a good way to get to know your date.

There you go! See, you don't have to freak out about not having plans on Valentine's Day just take some of events from above and have fun.


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