Friday, October 24, 2008

Miss Angie Lives!

You know, Miss Angie...100 Million Eyeballs? Dancing in my Head? Yeah, whoa!!!!

Ok, I almost just fell out of my chair so I felt this news worthy of reporting to you guys! I mean, I knew she wasn't dead or anything, but she disappeared for so long! It was like this big CCM Mystery for a long time. But Miss Angie (now going by Angie Turner) is making a come back!

Her MySpace page here.

Interview with Miss Angie here. Thanks to The Christian Music Site for the news!

Gonna go un-hyperventillate now. Whew.

Keep rockin' for Christ!
Jade =)


Anonymous said...

That's not a picture of her is it? It doesn't look like her to me.

Andrew said...

Great news, listened to Triumphantine twice during a road trip last weekend.

Jade, your next project is find an Aleixa sighting :-)

Jade Clark said...

Scott - It's her, it really is.

Andrew - Heh, geez...I'll uh...keep my eyes open for that one. Talk about long-long...

Anonymous said...

I love Miss Angie! I was wondering what happened to her too. Hey, scottfromprosper, I'm in Prosper too! It doesn't look like her because it looks like she's into looking natural now instead of in 90's-ish. Go Eagles!