Friday, September 26, 2008

Texas Fried State Fair

We hear these crazy stories every year about this time when the State Fair of Texas rolls around. Someone is always coming up with something new we can [Texas twang] DEEP FRY [/Texas twang]! This year is definitely no exception.

Topping the list: Chicken Fried Bacon!

I mean, seriously? Something as unhealthy as bacon, which is fried to begin with...then make it 10 times worse by battering it and frying it again?! Holy moo cows! Still there's a part of me that is curious. Haha! That's how they get us!

Here is a list of all things Fried:

What do you find mind-boggling? Is there anything you can't wait to try? Let us know!

Keep rockin' for Christ!
Jade =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can feel my arteries hardening just by reading that.YUK